Most people think stress is caused by the situation or people around us but in reality stress is caused by how we think and feel about whats going on around us. its our response to the situation or person that's the problem, our anger, fear, injustice, betrayal, hurt, shame, guilt etc
Most people try and deal with the situation or the person but thats hard and very rarely works.
The best way is to change our internal response, to change our feelings and thoughts.
When we do this either the problem vanishes or changes for the better, or at the very least we handle the situation better and cope with it from a healthier happier place
Check out the video below
If you would like to learn the DTO system you can start here
Or if you would like help from me personally you can reach out to me here
Until next time
Stay healthy
Stay Happy
& Keep Smiling
Jonathan Shaw
Creator of the DTO System
Author of the book - The DTO Handbook