The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
Jonathan Shaw
Creator & Master Practitioner and Trainer Of The DTO System
Jonathan Shaw Has been helping people heal their chronic pain for over 20 years, he is the creator of the Decoding Pain Process which is a step by step system that can release al types of chronic pain and get you back to feeling healthy strong and confident again when traditional & alternative medicine hasn't worked and you believe nothing can be done . Jonathan is also the creator of the DTO system which is a simple yet powerful system that can literally switch off negative thinking and past traumatic memories which means he can help heal depression and anxiety for people and help them feel normal again without counselling or taking medication. Jonathan believes there is no need for anyone to suffer and one day pain and illness will be a thing of the past, we just need to change the way we view our health and start treating the cause of our problems not the symptoms.
Anatomy and Physiology
Sports and Remedial Massage
Meta Health
Matrix Reimprinting
Theta Healing
Advanced Cleansing energies
DTO system (Creator and Master)
+44 7775647962
Witham Essex United Kingdom