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The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
DTO Practitioners
Below are all the qualified practitioners in the DTO system that have been qualified by Jonathan Shaw to help you release stress and treat the root cause of illness and disease
Jonathan Shaw
Creator & Master Practitioner and Trainer Of The DTO System
Jonathan has been helping people for the past 20 years, to heal chronic conditions when traditional, alternative & holistic therapies have failed. He has been named, The Magic Man and most notably, The Alchemist of The Modern Day.
Jonathan is also the creator of the DTO system which is a simple yet powerful system that can literally switch off negative thinking and past traumatic memories.
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