The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
Before I started working with Jonathan I was extremely depressed. I wasn’t able to eat properly or even leave my bed. I had found myself getting closer and closer to being suicidal that I realized enough was enough. My boyfriend, who had already worked with Jonathan on his issues, recommended I have one session, just to try it out as my situation became very worrying to myself and him. I was sceptical for a long time before I decided I would give Jonathan a chance.
When my boyfriend and his mum told me about Jonathan and how he had helped them, I was worried I would be untreatable, I felt I had too much going on in my head that the thought of it all turning off scared me as it had been all I had ever known. I kept putting off seeing Jonathan because I believed I didn’t have a choice and that my depression had control of me
It got to the point where my family and friends noticed that I wasn’t myself for weeks, I had quit my job and became very hostile and numb. I woke up one day and just knew I couldn’t bear it anymore, my body and mind were exhausted and I felt I had no way out, I just wanted to turn it all off for good. That’s when my boyfriend decided he had to book a session for me. I realized myself that I had to try at least, that’s when I got the courage to just go.
After about 3 or 4 sessions I began living my life again. I would wake up and feel free, energetic, and happy even. I managed to start working again, I found myself enjoying things more, I felt more like myself with every session. The depression didn’t have control over me anymore as Jonathan had taught me a way to control it myself. We worked on a lot of deep-rooted traumas that I had never even known were triggering my depression all along.
I feel so much happier; I find enjoyment in everything I used to love. I have begun to notice how I handle situations better now and how I can still use what Jonathan taught me to control my depression whenever I am triggered again. I still have a long way to go but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now which is something I had convinced myself I would never see