The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
The DTO System works in 3 different ways, UNDERSTANDING, PINPOINTING, and SWITCHING OFF
The first part is the simplest to explain but possibly the hardest to get your head around.
Anxiety about traveling on trains
I was introduced to Jonathan by a work friend who had spoken highly of him a few times. I had been sceptic however decided to find out for myself and I am so glad that I did.
Right from the first session I started to see improvements. It felt as if a switch had been turned on with a technique that is so simple yet super effective.
Second session I started to see more improvements on a daily basis and by the third session I got my life back. So simple and effective technique that has given me my life back after it being on hold for 7 months. I can't thank Jonathan enough, there are no words to describe how grateful I am.
There is nothing you can't say to Jonathan, he is understanding, compassionate, down to earth and a bit of a giggle. So easy to connect with and open up to. If you are struggling please contact Jonathan, you will not regret it. It is an investment in mental health for life and a very effective tool that cab be used anywhere.
Jonathan, a thousand Thank Yous, I am forever grateful.