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8 hours… compared to 20 years of various other attempts to “heal”

I first met Jonathan at a law of attraction evening where he was one of the 4 therapists.
I was instantly drawn to him because it felt like for the first time in ages that this man could actually help me get over some of my lifelong struggles.
Since childhood I have suffered with depression and anxiety.
I have spent the last 20 years meeting health care workers through nhs and private health schemes at work. I have had cbt therapies and schema therapy and still the short term benefits
Are good but I found myself back at square one time and time again. To the point I was convinced im stuck in this
Life cycle forever.
Until I met Jonathon, I have had 8 sessions, that equates to 8 hours… compared to 20 years of various other attempts to “heal”

Jonathon has changed my life, I felt instantly at ease with him. Comfortable to share every aspect of my life with no fear of judgement.
Together we tackled my main triggers, fear of abandonment, self esteem, fearing rejection, and recent bereavements.

Jonathons therapy dto is almost the opposite against to any thing I’ve ever been told or taught. I’m no longer reliving trauma events, we getting to the root cause and turning of the triggers.

Until you meet Jonathan and see it for yourself
It’s almost hard to explain the difference.

You don’t have to suffer forever. If like me your unsure if it’ll work as nothing else had for me before then trust in the process and trust in Jonathan. He is incredible at what he does

Thanks for changing mine and my families life.


Vicki Oliver

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